Keynote Speakers

Joaquim Oliveira Martins
Mr. Oliveira Martins is the Special Advisor for the EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms. As deputy director he worked closely with the Director to advance the OECD’s work on SME and entrepreneurship policy; regional, urban, rural and local development; subnational statistics; multi-level governance and decentralisation; and tourism. He also oversaw the work of the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development.

José Alves
José Alves is the Dean at the Faculty of Business of the City University of Macau. Previously, he was the Dean at the School of Business of the University of Saint Joseph, Macau, where he had also served as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. José´s research focuses on leadership, international management, and regional innovation in China. He has publications in leading academic journals and regularly contributes as a consultant and advisor to a range of start-ups, established firms, and universities in China.

Ana Barros
Ana Barros, MBA, PhD, is Senior Innovation Consultant at PNO in Portugal. Before joining PNO, Ana Barros
worked 10 years as a senior researcher at INESC TEC in the field of operations, supply chain and technology
management. At INESC TEC, Ana Barros participated in several European projects (ADVENTURE, BEinCPPS,
NEXT-NET, and SoTecIn Factory), research projects in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University (E4Value
and VR2Market), and consultancy projects in the area of technology strategy and Industry 4.0. Ana Barros was the EIT Manufacturing Program Manager @ INESC TEC (2019-2021, and a member of the founding team of the PRODUTECH Digital Innovation Hub.

José Tribolet
IST Distinct Full Prof. of Information Systems (Emeritus). President of INESC.
Specialties: Entreprise Architecture; Business Processes and Information Systems Governance; Business Process Engineering; Information Systems Architecure; IT/IS Organization and Management; Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management.

António Batista
António Baptista (A.J. Baptista) is Project Manager and Senior Researcher in the Product and Systems Development Unit at INEGI – Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering (2002) and a PhD in Production Technology, in the area of Computational Mechanics (2007) at FCTUC, from the University of Coimbra. After his PhD he worked from January 2007 to May 2011 at Centro Tecnológico Sodecia, in the automotive industry sector on international engineering projects. He was also responsible for continuous improvement projects (kaizen activities, root cause analysis, cost reduction, productivity increase).

Morten Lund
Vice Head of Aalborg University Business School, Associate Professor, Entrepreneur, executive and business design expert. Experienced entrepreneur and executive, with a combined academic, pragmatic, and creative profile, that believes in organizing genius and creativity with methods and structure. His educational background is an MA in Business, with specialization in organizational and business strategy and a Ph.D. in Business models.

Pedro André Corista
AI Engineer at Capgemini Engineering specialized in Mobile Network and IoT data processing and analytics. Has been working with Big Data technologies (Spark, Hadoop, ElasticSearch…) to address AI initiatives such as Smart Capex, Network Dimensioning and Forecasting, Data mobility Prediction, among others.