29-30 September 2022
The Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (IPCB) in partnership with the Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho is organizing the ICOPEV – International Conference on Production economics and Project Evaluation. This edition will take place in Castelo Branco and is an international event that aims to boost regional innovation ecosystems innovation through a strong interaction between academia and industry in the I&D+Inovation domains with interest on the following issues:- Business Intelligence;
- Innovation & Technology;
- Project Management;
- Knowledge & Technology Transfer;
- Energy Issues;
- Decision support Systems;
- Cost Management;
- Sustainability;
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Proceedings Book
The access code to the proceeding book can be requested to:

Call for Papers
The Project Evaluation and Selection are recognized as an Interdisciplinary Field requiring Engineering, Economic, Business, Design and Project Management expertise Skills. Projects compete for scarce resources and choosing the best allocation of these resources is a complex and challenging task that decision makers face every day. Methodologies and techniques must be defined and implemented, aiming to support the decision-making process according to the goal of each organization. As society changes, the goals change too. It is now evident that complex decision making cannot be based only on financial criteria. From the private company point of view, aspects like the strategic dimension of projects, or its alignment with the company's strategy, the contribution to long term objectives or employees' wellbeing must not be overlooked. The same way, the economic perspective of the project underlines the need to properly consider and include in the analysis the social and environmental dimensions of the projects as decision variables. The main goal of the Conference ICOPEV2022 is to join together academics and professionals from a variety of fields with interest on the issues of production economics, engineering project and innovation management, entrepreneurship, decision making and business intelligence applications.
Submission of Full Paper
August 31st, 2022September 15th, 2022
Notification of Acceptance
September 19th, 2022
Regular Registration Deadline
September 15th, 2022

Joaquim Oliveira Martins
Special Advisor, EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms

José Tribolet
ST Distinct Full Prof. of Information Systems (Emeritus). President of INESC.

António Batista
Project Manager and Senior Researcher in the Product and Systems Development Unit at INEGI.

Morten Lund
Vice Head of Aalborg University Business School, Associate Professor, Entrepreneur, executive and business design expert
This year’s ICOPEV is organized by Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco and it will take place in Escola Superior de Tecnologia on September’s 29th-30th.
Castelo Branco is an inland city and municipality in Central Portugal. Castelo Branco gets its name from the prior existence of a Luso-Roman castrum or fortified settlement called Castra Leuca, on the summit of the hill of Colina da Cardosa. The population grew on the slopes of this hill.
The most important monument in Castelo Branco is the Jardim do Paço Episcopal (Garden of the Episcopal Palace). It is one of the most beautiful baroque gardens in Portugal and contains statues of allegories, kings and zodiacal signs, arranged around ponds, terraces and staircases.
For more information visit: